Photo credit: Toshiyuki IMAI
A study published in Chemosphere found that bed sheets tested positive for some of the highest levels of flame retardants, highlighting the...
Photo credit: Toshiyuki IMAI
A study published in Chemosphere found that bed sheets tested positive for some of the highest levels of flame retardants, highlighting the...
Photo credit: John Grainger
A 2017 study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that exposure to multiple neurotoxic pesticides near...
Photo credit: 401(k) 2012
Critics of organic often cite the benefits of pesticide use, such as controlling pests and boosting yields, but economic models rarely incorporate...
Photo credit: Paul Horner
Research published in Global Change Biology found that organic farming benefits biodiversity. Looking at data from around the world, the research...
Photo credit: Taylor Johnson
A study in Science of The Total Environment looked at the human health impacts of pesticide exposure. The study cited numerous environmentally...
Photo Credit: Adam Gold
In 2017 a series of high profile scientific papers were published in the scientific journal, Science, soundly confirming that neonicotinoid...
Photo credit: dlz design
A ground-breaking study showed that organic soils are combating climate change by locking away carbon...
Photo credit: US Department of Agriculture
Organic agriculture combats antibiotic resistance on multiple fronts. Studies show that by prohibiting antibiotic use in organic...
Photo credit: the bitten
A study led by researchers at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Switzerland indicates that global conversion to...
Photo credit: Brian Boucheron
It’s the little teeny things in our soils – the invisible-to-the-eye microorganisms -- that make a big difference. Studies from across the...