Photo credit: Steve Johnson
A new study published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety shows that groundwater samples in Northeast China have nitrate...
Photo credit: Steve Johnson
A new study published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety shows that groundwater samples in Northeast China have nitrate...
Photo credit: Local Food Initiative
A new study shows multiple environmental benefits of organic production, even when that production takes place in a greenhouse. The...
Photo credit: Raissa Ruschel
A study has found persistent pesticides in human breastmilk for a high percentage of women. The researchers examined 40 women in Western...
Photo credit: United Soybean Board
A recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives has found that exposure to certain pesticides is associated...
Photo credit: NRCS
The use of manure is often cited as the reason organically managed soils have higher soil health than conventionally managed soils, but research out of...
Photo credit: John Cooke
A new study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment shows that multiple pesticides have contaminated the surface waters of lakes...
Photo credit: Sarie Rooms
A recent study published in Neurotoxicology supports previous research that children living in agricultural communities are more likely to...
Photo credit: Sue Salisbury
A new study published in Food Additives & Contaminants has found that a substantial amount of leafy vegetables grown in North Central Chile...
Organic poultry and egg producers are required to feed their animals organic feed. While most poultry producers rely on corn to meet their animal’s carbohydrate needs it can often be difficult to...
Photo credit: Bernard Dupont
Sustainable agriculture is one way to conserve biodiversity in the face of widespread habitat destruction. Now, a new study published in the...