Birds from organic farms exhibit more vitality than those who live on conventional farms, according to a recent French study. Organic birds exhibit a higher rate of active behaviors including...
Birds from organic farms exhibit more vitality than those who live on conventional farms, according to a recent French study. Organic birds exhibit a higher rate of active behaviors including...
Researchers have found that reducing the amount of synthetic fertilizer used in pineapple production increases crop yields while maintaining soil quality and lowering greenhouse gas emissions,...
Organic farms vary in agricultural ecological practices, with small farms incorporating a higher quantity of sustainable methods than larger ones, according to a recent...
Foraging bats–bats who live in green spaces– prefer organic farms over conventional farms, according to a recent Italian study. Farm management was the greatest indicator of bat activity, and...
Picture by Neil Palmer (CIAT)
Misunderstandings about organic agriculture abound, and can be clearly seen in a recent misleading article published in US...
By David Montgomery and Anne Biklé
The original proponents of organic agriculture argued that healthy soils produced healthier food, a...
Biodiversity is a term used to refer to the number of species in one region or ecosystem, and for the first time,...
A collaborative study from USDA and Montana State University scientists delved “far into the weeds” in evaluating the global warming potential in farming organic wheat when combining sheep grazing...
When farmers increase the number of crops in their fields, this in turn changes the landscape, and wild pollinators stand to benefit, according to a paper published yesterday in...
Tomatoes produced in soils fertilized with fermented organic manures stay fresher for longer, and carry more firmness,...