Many farming practices promote conservation of important natural functions like planting vegetation to support pollinators and natural enemies to pests, and using cover crops to promote soil...
Many farming practices promote conservation of important natural functions like planting vegetation to support pollinators and natural enemies to pests, and using cover crops to promote soil...
Animal welfare has become increasingly more important to the general public and consumers are curious about what types of management offer the best animal welfare for their animal-based...
Supporting biodiversity is not only a tenet of organic farming, but the ecosystem services that biodiversity can provide to farmers is also relied upon for...
Natural habitat like woods and natural grasslands are known to support more insect and wildlife biodiversity than agriculturally intensive landscapes, but not all insects and wildlife such as...
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas that is often overshadowed by the focus on Carbon Dioxide (CO2), but increasing concentrations of nitrous oxide over the past two centuries have...
A recent study published in the journal Agricultural and Resource Economics Review challenges popular belief that switching to organic farming is riskier for the farmer than staying in...
Hedgerows and flower strips are often planted among crops to boost beneficial insect populations, but there are few comprehensive studies that compare different types...
Farmers are faced with pressures to meet societal visions of good and “better” farming, but the ability to meet those expectations may be hindered by the capacity of...
Organic agricultural practices provide many ecosystem services that improve farm production while simultaneously protecting the environment. For instance, organic farming...
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema
According to a new study in the journal Foods, conventional farmers are now using twice as much glyphosate spray as they did in the...