Photo Credit: Emmelie
The Centre for Organic Food and Farming conducted a study to investigate methods that can be adopted by organic growers to decrease the emissions of...
There is so much (in)credible science that explains why organic is a good choice for people and the planet, and more is published every week. The Organic Center summarizes the latest research into distilled bites so you can make informed choices. We only report on peer-reviewed studies and always will. Check out our research blog and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest science delivered right to your inbox.
Photo Credit: Emmelie
The Centre for Organic Food and Farming conducted a study to investigate methods that can be adopted by organic growers to decrease the emissions of...
Photo Credit: India Untravelled
A study from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences found that conversion to organic farming in Punjab and Uttarakhand resulted in higher...
If you haven’t had a chance to look at the Organic Farming for Health & Prosperity report put out by the Organic Farming Research Foundation, we recommend that you check it out! This...
Two researchers from the Newcastle University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences examined nutrient management on organic farms in their article, “Long-term management of nutrients...
Photo Credit: Kelly DeLay
Describing the differences in energy consumption between organic and conventional farms, a study by Professor Dalgaard of Aarhus University...
The Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists recently published a report with over a dozen articles about current research on organic issues. The studies, presented at the conference entitled...
Photo Credit: Stephen A. Wolfe
A new study out of France examines the benefits that organic agriculture has on bird populations. Although many papers have cited examples of...
Photo Credit: Dimitry B.
Friends of the Earth International tested the urine samples of 182 Europeans from 18 countries and found herbicide glyphosate, commonly known as...
Photo Credit: Jeff Weese
In a study published in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, University of Canterbury researchers found that the...
Photo Credit: Martin Cathrae
A study published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that agricultural pesticides have been linked to...