The Organic Center has released a new report, reviewing almost 100 studies, that demonstrates that the best choice consumers can make to combat...
The Organic Center has released a new report, reviewing almost 100 studies, that demonstrates that the best choice consumers can make to combat...
While scientists have established a clear link between a diagnosis of hypertension and high blood pressure during midlife and an increase in...
A recent article published in the scientific journal Environment International has found that pesticide exposure can lead to neurodevelopmental...
A new study published by researchers from the Center for Environmental Research and Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley has...
A study recently published in Environmental Health suggests that low-level exposure to Roundup over a long period of time may cause kidney and...
A recent study published in Chemosphere found that catfish collected from multiple freshwater sites in South Africa contained organochlorine pesticide...
A recent study published in Environmental Health Perspectives has found high levels of the fungicide mancozeb in pregnant women living near banana...
A recent study published in Science of the Total Environment found high levels of toxic chemical contamination in Argentina’s Mar Chiquita wetland...
Household dust is one way in which people are exposed to flame retardants. Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are flame retardants...
A recent study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biology has found that maintaining healthy pollinator populations...