Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores
Coffee is largely grown in regions where smallholder farmers face poverty, and climate change threatens devastation to their crops. A recent...
Photo Credit: Rodrigo Flores
Coffee is largely grown in regions where smallholder farmers face poverty, and climate change threatens devastation to their crops. A recent...
Photo Credit: Conger Design
New research shows that there is good news when it comes to supporting the health of our environment—growing a diversity of crops can increase...
Photo Credit: Nadine
A new study has been added to the list of growing research that shows our food security is threatened by climate change. Research published in the...
Photo Credit: Arminas Raudys
Bananas are a victim to climate change, according to a new study published in the scientific journal Philosophical Transactions Royal Society B...
Photo Credit: Juniper Photon
A recent study in Agricultural Systems shows that on a per area basis, organic systems use less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases than...
Photo credit: Henrique Felix
A recent review published in Sustainable Earth concludes that organic food simultaneously improves public and environmental health by drawing...
Choosing organic is still the best way to support healthy soils, and the organic food that you eat has a direct impact on the earth it was grown in. This year a long-term study found that organic...
Several studies this year focused on the impacts of organic farming on climate change, and showed that choosing organic can help mitigate the release of greenhouse gases while sequestering carbon...
Photo credit: Justin Cravalho
Soils are the largest terrestrial carbon sink on earth. On average studies find that soils from organic farms are higher in soil organic...
Photo credit: EmerandSam
A recent study in the Journal Climatic Change examines the environmental performance of diets based on greenhouse gas emissions. The thought is...