Photo Credit: TumblingRun
Precise analysis of scientific articles isn’t always easy and almost never quick. Today’s media has much to report on and respond to, and...
Photo Credit: TumblingRun
Precise analysis of scientific articles isn’t always easy and almost never quick. Today’s media has much to report on and respond to, and...
Photo credit: Noel Pennington
A study from Japan confirms that bird diversity is greater on organic versus conventional farms. The study fills a gap in our knowledge about...
Image credit: Friends of the Earth
A new report released by Friends of the Earth presents a strong argument in favor of organic and agroecological farming as tool to feed...
Scientific experts, farmers, policymakers, and organic stakeholders gathered in Washington to discuss how research on organic's positive contributions to the environment can be incorporated into...
Photo credit: Artur Staszewski
An article published in the scientific journal Nature Plants has found that organic farming has an important role to play in sustainably...
With 2015 coming to a close, it’s time to think about how to transform our lives for the upcoming year. This was an exciting year for organic research, with multiple cutting-edge studies revealing...
Photo credit: USDA NRCS South Dakota
A study published in the journal Sustainable Agriculture Research supports previous findings that organic agricultural practices...
Photo credit: Neil Palmer (CIAT)
A new study published in the Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology has found that the yields of organic crops are higher than...
Photo credit: Rodoluca88
A recent study published in Science of the Total Environment found high levels of toxic chemical contamination in Argentina’s Mar Chiquita wetland...
Photo credit: USFWS mountain-prarie
A recent review article published in Environmental Science Pollution Research seeks to understand how the widespread use of...