Photo credit: nociveglia
In a recent study published in Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment, scientists found that pollinator services to crops on organic farms...
Photo credit: nociveglia
In a recent study published in Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment, scientists found that pollinator services to crops on organic farms...
Photo credit: Mercedesfromtheeighties
A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology has found that small-scale urban farming can significantly contribute to...
Photo credit: United Soybean Board
Mounting scientific literature regarding neonicotinoid pesticides is finding they contaminate our rivers and streams, and likely play an...
Photo credit: Lennart Tange
A recent study published in the journal Ecotoxicologyhas found that prolonged exposure to sub-lethal levels of neonicotinoid pesticides...
Photo credit: Jennifer C
As the human population continues to expand, biologists are looking for new ways to conserve biodiversity in an anthropogenic landscape. A recent...
Photo credit: Jetzandzepplins
A recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, shows that pesticide use is...
Photo credit: Jay and Melissa Malouin
A recent meta-analysis published in the Journal of Applied Ecology compared biodiversity under organic and conventional farming...
Photo credit: Steven Depolo
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve with the overuse of antibiotics, ‘superweeds’have evolved resistance to commonly used herbicides, and now a...
Photo credit: Rodoluca88
A recent study published in Science of the Total Environment found high levels of toxic chemical contamination in Argentina’s Mar Chiquita wetland...
Photo credit: Wicker Paradise
Household dust is one way in which people are exposed to flame retardants. Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are flame retardants...