Photo credit: United Soybean Board
Organic farmers rely on tillage to combat weeds in place of herbicides, incorporate organic matter into the soil and reduce soil...
Photo credit: United Soybean Board
Organic farmers rely on tillage to combat weeds in place of herbicides, incorporate organic matter into the soil and reduce soil...
Photo credit: Anokarina
A new study has detected neonicotinoid insecticides in raw and treated drinking water in water from the lower Great Lakes in southern Ontario,...
Photo credit: Katja Schulz
A new study published in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment sought to understand the effect of conversion from conventional farming to...
Photo credit: SmcGarnigle
A study recently published in the journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems by researchers at the University of Oregon aimed to understand...
Photo credit: Bernard Spragg
A recent study published in the Journal Nature Sustainability used two different meta-analyses to demonstrate that organic farming promotes...
Photo credit:
A new study published in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development aimed to evaluate the efficiency of lentil-spring wheat intercrops to...
Neonicotinoids are some of the most widely used agricultural insecticides, and are recognized for the unintended risk they may pose to other wildlife. While the majority of this research has...
Photo credit: Dan Graham
A new study in the journal Pedosphere has found that organic management improves soil health. Researchers compared soil health in three...
Photo credit: Andy Powell
A new study using data from the Agricultural Health Study and published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine examined the...
Photo credit: Jim Bowen
A new study published in the journal Ecological Economics has found that certified organic agriculture presents a sustainable livelihood strategy...