Tea-wisted Irish Coffee
The (in)credible science
The benefits of organic spice, herb, and tea production follow suit with the benefits of organic overall. Long-term use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers meant to amplify yields is known to acidify soils and free up heavy metal ions bound in soils. According to research in tea orchards of the major tea province in Fujian, China, orchards under organic fertilizer management significantly reduced soil acidification and the presence of mobile heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, As) in tea leaves and in soils, and increased beneficial soil microbes
The Recipe 
This cocktail brings a twist to the typical Irish Coffee cocktail by including Tea Bags of Davidson's Irish Breakfast Black Tea. Creating a creamy body with a mix of herbal tea and vanilla notes from the Irish whisky. We encourage you to warm up your fall with this one as we most certainly will.
- 2 Tablespoons of Davidson's Organic Cane Sugar
- 4 Tea Bags of Davidson's Irish Breakfast Black Tea
- 1 Shot of Irish Whiskey
- 2 Ounces of Heavy Whipping Cream
- Add 2 tablespoons of Davidson's Organic Cane Sugar to a 12-oz. glass.
- Pour 8-oz. of hot water into the glass and add 4 tea bags of Davidson's Irish Breakfast Black Tea.
- Brew for 5 minutes, and then remove the tea bags.
- Add 1 shot of Irish whiskey.
- Add 2-oz. of heavy whipping cream.